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Feeding and Swallowing Therapy

Comprehensive Evaluations

Evaluations are completed by both an occupational therapist and a speech-language pathologist with advanced training in feeding and swallowing. Evaluations assess a variety of skills that may be impacting your child's feeding success such as oral-motor skills, sensory processing abilities, self-feeding skills, postural control, and much more! After your evaluation, we will set up a conference so we can thoroughly review the results of your child's evaluation.

Collaborative Approach

We understand that mealtimes can be stressful. That is why providing you and your family with the tools to be successful at home is so important to us. We will provide you with education and activities for home so your child can continue their success from therapy all throughout the week. We collaborate with pediatricians and specialists to keep them updated on your child's progress. We will contact your pediatrician to obtain the referrals and specialized tests, such as a swallow study, that your child may need to help them reach their fullest potential at mealtimes. And during your feeding therapy sessions, we are always assessing if other therapy services would benefit your child.


We understand that every child is unique. That is why your child's treatment plan will be individualized to address your child's specific needs. We offer: individual treatment sessions 30-60 minutes in length AND group therapy sessions so your child can practice their feeding skills with peers their age in a fun and safe environment. Group sessions we offer include: Breakfast Buddies, Lunch Bunch, and Little Diners.

Specialized Interventions

Our feeding and swallowing specialists have a wide array of knowledge in a variety of specialized programs and skill areas, included but not limited to: Aerodigestive and GI issues, Beckman Oral-Motor, Sequential Oral Sensory (SOS) Approach to Feeding, Myofascial Reflease, and Sensory Integration Certification.

Beckman Oral-Motor

The focus of Beckman Oral-Motor is to increase functional response to pressure and movement, range, strength, variety and control of movement for the lips, cheeks, jaw and tongue.The interventions needed are determined by an assessment, the Beckman Oral Motor Protocol, which uses assisted movement and stretch reflexes to quantify response to pressure and movement, range, strength, variety and control of movement for the lips cheeks, jaw, tongue and soft palate. Click here to learn more.

Sequential Oral Sensory (SOS) Approach to Feeding

The SOS Approach uses a transdisciplinary team approach which assesses the “whole child”: organ systems, muscles, development sensory, oral-motor, learning/behavior, cognition, nutrition and environment.The SOS Approach focuses on increasing a child’s comfort level by exploring and learning about the different properties of food and allows a child to interact with food in a playful, non-stressful way, beginning with the ability to tolerate the food in the room and in front of him/her; then moving on to touching, kissing, and eventually tasting and eating foods! Click here to learn more.

Dodge Clinic

600 N 93rd St Suite 100

Omaha, NE 68114


fax 402-391-2004

Millard Clinic

14214 U Street Suite 3

Omaha, NE 68137


fax 402-502-1177

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